
"Developing a Comprehensive Strategy Against Racism, Intolerance and Hate Crime"

Within the framework of the European program "Rights, Equality and Citizenship" (REC) 2014-2020 of the European Commission, the Ministry of Justice, Panteion University and the Hellenic Parliament are implementing a project entitled "Developing a Comprehensive Strategy Against Racism, Intolerance and Hate Crime", lasting 24 months (1/10/2019 - 30/9/2021).
The main objective of the project is to develop a comprehensive strategy against racism and intolerance with the aim of increasing the number of hate crime referrals, promoting the rights of victims of relevant crimes, raising public awareness, and prosecuting hate crimes more effectively.

 Friday 25 of June 2021

08:50 - 14:00 (CET)

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 In particular, the Project entails the elaboration of a National Action Plan against Racism and Intolerance, which will contribute to the development of a comprehensive strategy against racism, intolerance and hate crime, by recording all respective institutional interventions based on reliable data and needs, while taking into consideration European best practices. Moreover, the elaboration of a Guide for the Rights of Hate Crime Victims, that is required, will be translated in nine languages and will provide better information and awareness raising for all targeted communities. It will lead to increased reporting of hate crime and it will improve victims’ access to justice. The Project also demands the creation of a Media Plan followed by an awareness raising campaign that will undoubtedly raise public awareness, leading to preventing and combating racism, intolerance and hate crimes and to reinforcing victims’ access to justice.

 Other deliverables include training courses for public prosecutors that will improve their knowledge and awareness on the subject, but also their ability to effectively prosecute hate crimes. Furthermore, there are workshops, a one-day-Conference organised by the Parliament and educational meetings of public prosecutors with the targeted communities, which will promote capacity and trust building, as well as awareness raising. Finally, in the Report on the European added value, lessons learned and transferable best practices that derive from the project will be recorded in order to ensure that the project will provide useful results for other EU member states as well, and the Evaluation Report will include an overall evaluation of the project’s activities in order to measure its effectiveness, as well as proposals for further actions that will ensure sustainable results.

 The Hellenic Parliament’s involvement in the Project is through the organization of an international conference concerning the role of Members of the Parliaments in combatting racism, intolerance, as well as hate speech. Participants include Members of the Hellenic Parliament, the Minister and Deputy Minister of Justice, the Deputy Minister for Labor and Social Affairs, responsible for Demographic and Family Policy and Gender Equality and other national experts. In an international level, participants include the Vice President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Promoting our European Way of Life, a Member of the European Parliament, the Vice-President of the European Court for Human Rights, a Member of the CoE Parliamentary Assembly and international experts (e.g. Members of the European Commission against Racism and Intolerance – ECRI and the Chairperson of the Human Rights Committee of the United Nations). The participants will exchange views and European best practices on the role of Parliaments in combatting racism, intolerance and hate speech. Models and mechanisms which can be applied not only regionally or nationally but also EU widely, will be presented. The aim of the conference is to raise awareness and capacity of MPs, in order to combat racism, intolerance and hate speech.

 In addition, the international conference organized by the Hellenic Parliament will have live television coverage, communicating not only to members of Hellenic Parliament and other European institutions, but also to the general public, real data conclusions and proposals concerning racism and intolerance.

 For more information on the project: "Developing of a comprehensive strategy against racism, intolerance and hate crime” you can visit MOJ

This one-day-conference was funded by the “Rights, Equality and Citizenship” Program of the European Union (REC 2014 – 2020)


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